I have two college degrees, and Pressidente Biden can cancel all this debt with a stroke of the pen! It's that easy! It's as easy as taking out a loan!

Did I mention that I've not yet made any payments of my own to pay down the debt that I signed myself up for?

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Cancelled does not mean "Cancelled." The banks still get their money -- that is the way that the program was set up. It only means that the taxpayers at large pay the debt instead of the borrower, because (I repeat) the banks are still going get their money.

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It’s money loaned by the government. Private student loans are a small part of student debt.

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I grew up between Akron and Youngstown and went to Kent State in the late 80s/early 90s. I attended for five years and left owing only about $4,000. The best things I had going for me were that I was dirt poor and categorized as an independent.

If high school graduates are not educated in the crushing burden of debt and then are railroaded into taking out loans because they have never been told it may not make good financial sense, that's a completely indefensible system. These kids are 18 years old.

The colleges and universities need to be disrupted. "The College Experience" and a practical education are two completely different things with very different price tags.

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